All San Clemente

About All San Clemente

IN THE BEGINNING OLE HANSON HAD A VISION . . .  I vision a place where people can live together more pleasantly than on any other place in America.  I am going to build a beautiful city on the ocean where the whole city will be a park;  the architecture will be of one type, and the homes will be located on sites where nearly everyone will have his view preserved forever.  The whole picture is very clear before me.  I can see hundreds of white-walled homes bonneted with red tile, with trees, shrubs, hedges of hibiscus, palms and geraniums lining the drives and a profusion of flowers illuminating the patios and gardens.  I can see gay sidewalks of red Spanish tile and streets curving picturesquely over the land.  I want plazas, playgrounds, schools, clubs, swimming pools, a golf course, a fishing pier, and a beach enlivened with people get


Ole-Hansen-e1457482208982I vision a place where people can live together more pleasantly than on any other place in America.  I am going to build a beautiful city on the ocean where the whole city will be a park;  the architecture will be of one type, and the homes will be located on sites where nearly everyone will have his view preserved forever.  The whole picture is very clear before me.  I can see hundreds of white-walled homes bonneted with red tile, with trees, shrubs, hedges of hibiscus, palms and geraniums lining the drives and a profusion of flowers illuminating the patios and gardens.  I can see gay sidewalks of red Spanish tile and streets curving picturesquely over the land.  I want plazas, playgrounds, schools, clubs, swimming pools, a golf course, a fishing pier, and a beach enlivened with people getting a healthy joy out of life.

Ole Hanson, 1925

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All San Clemente Sales Data

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Data compiled using 2nd quarter 2024 data vs. same period from 2023

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Q2 2024
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From Q1 2024


Population by Age Level. Median Age 42.09. Households: 24,525.

In Thousand of Dollars. (Median Income: $117,948)

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All San Clemente Schools & Education

Public & Private Institutions Of Learning

Education in the United States is provided by public, private and home schools. State governments set overall educational standards, often mandate standardized tests for K–12 public school systems and supervise, usually through a board of regents, state colleges, and universities. Discover the K12-powered public or private school that is best suited for your child's needs in the area.

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